
Showing posts from May, 2017

Day 8 of Pumping

I started day eight with 120.5oz in the freezer. I think at this point I am a bit obsessed with my output, but it is making me healthier overall, I'm actually eating about what a normal person should be. Unfortunately, my sleep is crap because I'm staying up late to get an extra pump in, or at least, get in as many as possible to up my supply. I may need a reward system for getting to bed by 11pm because I am honestly quite tired, today I slept from 3pm to 530pm, missing a full pumping session at 330 so I was worried about how much I would put out today. Pumping amounts for day 8 (today is my due date, 11 days post partum): 7.25oz (THATS RIGHT!! WOOT!) 2oz 2oz 3oz 1.5oz 2oz 1.5oz Total for the day was 139.75oz, and the total pumped for the day was 19.25oz, which CRUSHED my previous record of 17.25, which was exciting!! Even without my last pump I would have beat it! So hoping to not dip below 18oz for here on out,but it would be even better if it went up every d...

Day 7 of Pumping (10 days post partum)

I started day 7 with 105.25oz of milk in my freezer. My pump amounts for day seven were : 6.25oz 2.5oz 2.5oz 2oz 2oz 2oz (but forgit it out, so didn't get to use it) Total amount in the freezer at the end of the day was 120.5oz, total pumped for the day was 17.25oz, but only 15.25oz got frozen because I was so tired that I forgot two full ounces on the counter. Which should say quite a bit about how tired I was, since I live right now to get more ounces put away for that mom and baby. Every day I tell myself the goal is to get one extra pump in, get 7 pumps in at good intervals so that I can log an extra 1.5-2.5oz and that will increase my overall milk production. I am seeing an increase now though, but it's still hard to tell myself that I'm doing enough with 7 pumps, since the average newborn is expected to get at least 8 feeds in, in a 24hr time frame. Which means, the average mama is probably increasing her amount much more than I am. This was another amo...

Day 6 of Pumping

I started day six with 90oz in the freezer. Pump amounts were : 5.25oz 2.5oz 2.75oz 1.5oz 2oz 1.25oz Total pumped at the end of the day was 105.25oz, and total pumped for the day was 15.25oz. 

Day 5 of Pumping

Starting amount in the freezer on day five was 74oz, these totals are important because I am on a goal to 500oz, and inching closer and closer it what is motivating me to keep going, keep pumping and washing this pump every damn time, as I only have single pump parts. On a good day, with four kids and all that it entails, this is hard, and some days it feels impossible, especially if I want to leave the house. Day 5 (yesterday) I decided to not make it feel like such a ball and chain, and even ventured out to WalMart for awhile with my mom, I had my sister over with  my gorgeous niece for a bit, and both of these things put my pumping behind. I also decided to BBQ supper, which put my pumping behind a full hour. Today is a busy day for me (all Fridays are) and I'm going to make sure I pump every 2 hours. I have been setting an alarm for 3am every night for three nights, and I keep just turning it off and going back to sleep. It's the weekend (well, about to be) and I WI...

Day 4 of Pumping (1 week post partum)

The total of milk already in the freezer on this day was 58.25oz. My pumping amounts: 6oz 2.25oz 1.75oz 2oz 1.75oz 2oz My total amount in the freezer at end of day was 74oz, and my total pumped for the day was 15.75oz. On this day, I start to feel a bit discouraged that my amounts aren't increasing, and decide that if amounts aren't higher by day 7 (10 days pp) I will start to wake up at night as well to up my supply. 

Day 3 of Pumping

I started with 43oz in the freezer before I pumped anything on day 3. My pumping amounts were: 6oz 3.25oz 2.25oz 1.75oz 2oz My total in the freezer at the end of day three was 58.25oz, and my total pumped for the day was 15.25oz. I probably would have pumped more this day, but I had an appointment with my doula for my post partum meeting, and at 245pm I had an appointment with my 2 year old with a chiropractor. I should probably include what my schedule is like without appointments or errands. Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, I have school runs at 8 830 1130 230 and 330. Tuesdays/Thursdays my school runs are at 8 230 and 330, so I'm cramming things in, in between those prior commitments. 

Day 2 of Pumping

I started the day off with 27.25oz frozen in the freezer. My pump amounts for the day were 3oz (2am) 4.25oz 2.75oz 2oz 2.5oz 1.5oz Total milk in the freezer by the end of the day was 43oz, total pumped for day two was 15.75oz.

Day 1 of Pumping

So day one, I started off with 11oz of stored milk already. These are my pumps for the day: 5.5oz 3.75oz 2.75oz 3.25oz I pumped every 3/4hrs all day, started at 830am, and finished at 12am. Total amount stored at this point was 27.25, daily amount was 16.25. 

How This Started

A couple months ago, I reached out into the milk donation community and found someone who is in need of breastmilk for her baby, and that is who keeps me motivated, and who motivated me to start this journey, a journey that is completely separate from my surrogacy. I nourished and grew my surrobaby for nine months, gave birth to her, and handed her over to her parents. That is when my pumping journey, for a separate baby, began. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl for Intended Parents May 17th 2017. I pumped almost directly afterwards in hopes that her parents would use my milk. I received 50CC (50mL, which is almost 2oz). I sent it off, and didn't pump again until the following day, I received 60cc, which is 2oz. Still very much colostrum. I gave that to the nurse as well and off it went. I have no idea where it went or who used it, but I hope that it DID get used. Saturday, May 20th 2017 I pumped 11oz in total, but I didn't pump on schedule, as it was still colostrum and I...