How This Started

A couple months ago, I reached out into the milk donation community and found someone who is in need of breastmilk for her baby, and that is who keeps me motivated, and who motivated me to start this journey, a journey that is completely separate from my surrogacy. I nourished and grew my surrobaby for nine months, gave birth to her, and handed her over to her parents. That is when my pumping journey, for a separate baby, began.

I gave birth to a healthy baby girl for Intended Parents May 17th 2017. I pumped almost directly afterwards in hopes that her parents would use my milk. I received 50CC (50mL, which is almost 2oz). I sent it off, and didn't pump again until the following day, I received 60cc, which is 2oz. Still very much colostrum. I gave that to the nurse as well and off it went. I have no idea where it went or who used it, but I hope that it DID get used.

Saturday, May 20th 2017 I pumped 11oz in total, but I didn't pump on schedule, as it was still colostrum and I was in zero discomfort yet, which told me that my milk was not in, and pumping wasn't contributing to milk increase yet.

Sunday May 21st 2017 I woke up with my milk in! I leaked all over myself and my bed so I started to pump regularly.

And here we are!! I will make a separate post with my pumping amounts and totals for this week so far, and we will begin a regular updating blog, so that if nothing else, I will have it to look back on as a reference for the next time I am pumping, as I wish I had kept a diary of some kind for my last surrogacy, so that I could compare where I was at, at this point. 
